- Fernandez, E., Malvaso, C., Day, A., & Guharajan, D. (in press). 21st Century Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anger: A Systematic Review of Research Design, Methodology, and Outcome. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy.
- Day, A., & Fernandez, E. (in press). The importance of understanding anger in the clinical assessment of violence. In J.S. Wormith, L.A. Craig & T. Hogue (Eds.). What works in violence risk management: Theory, research and practice. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Fernandez, E., Kiageri, V., Guharajan, D., & Day, A. (2017). Anger parameters in parolees undergoing psychoeducation: Temporal stability, social desirability bias and comparison with non-offenders. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, doi:
cbm.2057 -
Fernandez, E., & Johnson, S.L. (2016). Anger in psychological disorders: Prevalence, presentation, etiology, and prognostic implications. Clinical Psychology Review, 46, 124-135.
- Fernandez, E. & Kerns, R.D. (2016). New prospects for alleviation of anger in the context of chronic pain. Z. Bajwa, C. Warfield, & J. Wootton (Eds.). Principles and Practice of Pain Medicine, 3rd Edition (pp.210-215). New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Fernandez, E., & Smith, T.W. (2015). Anger, hostility, and cardiovascular disease in the context of interpersonal relationships. In M. Alvarenga & D.G. Byrne (Eds.). Handbook of Psychocardiology. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-4560-53-5_31-1. Springer Sciences: Singapore.
- Fernandez, E., Salem, D., Swift, J., & Ramtahal, N. (2015). Meta-analysis of Dropout from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Magnitude, Timing, and Moderators. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 83, 1108-1122.
- Newton, D., Day, A., Gillies, C. & Fernandez, E. (2015). Evidence-based evaluation of measures for assessing social and emotional wellbeing in Indigenous Australians. Australian Psychologist, 50, 40-50.
- Fernandez, E., Day, A., & Boyle, G.J. (2015). Measures of anger and hostility in adults. In G.J. Boyle, D. Saklofske & G. Matthews (Eds.). Measures of Personality and Social Psychological Constructs (pp.74-100). London: Academic Press.
- Fernandez, E., Arevalo, I., Torralba, A., & Vargas, R. (2014). Norms for five parameters of anger: How do incarcerated adults differ from the community? International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 13, 18-24.
- Fernandez, E. (2013). Anger dysfunction and its treatment. In E. Fernandez, (Ed.) Treatments for anger in specific populations: Theory, application, and outcome (pp.1-14). New York: Oxford University Press.
- Fernandez, E. & Malley-Morrison, K. (2013). Gender-inclusive and gender-informed treatment of anger. In E. Fernandez, (Ed.). Treatments for anger in specific populations: Theory, application, and outcome (pp.213-235). New York: Oxford University Press.
- Fernandez, E. (2013). Treatment of anger in different populations: Common and unique factors. In E. Fernandez, (Ed.). Treatments for anger in specific populations: Theory, application, and outcome (pp.255-265). New York: Oxford University Press.
- Fernandez, E. & Kerns, R.D. (2012). Pain and affective disorders: Looking beyond the “chicken and egg” conundrum. In M.A. Giamberardino & T. Jensen (Eds.). Pain Comorbidities: Understanding and Treating the Complex Patient (pp.279-296). Seattle: International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) Press.
- Fernandez, E. (2012). Defining pain: Natural Semantic Metalanguage meets IASP: A Commentary on Wierzbicka’s “Is Pain a Human Universal?: A Cross-Linguistic and Cross-Cultural Perspective on Pain”. Emotion Review, 4, 320-321.
- Fernandez, E., Vargas, R., Mahometa, M., Ramamurthy, S. & Boyle, G.J. (2012). Descriptors of Pain Sensation: A Dual Hierarchical Model of Latent Structure. The Journal of Pain, 13, 532-536.
- Fernandez, E., Krusz, J.C., & Hall, S. (2011). Parsimonious collection of pain descriptors: Classification and calibration by pain patients. The Journal of Pain, 12, 444-450.
- Fernandez, E. & Wasan, A. (2010). The anger of pain sufferers: Attributions to agents and appraisals of wrongdoing. In M. Potegal, G. Stemmler, & C. Spielberger (Eds.). The International Handbook of Anger: Constituent and Concomitant Biological, Psychological, and Social Processes (pp. 449-464). New York: Springer.
- Fernandez, E. (2010). Toward an integrative psychotherapy for maladaptive anger. In M. Potegal, G. Stemmler, & C. Spielberger (Eds.). The International Handbook of Anger: Constituent and Concomitant Biological, Psychological, and Social Processes (pp.499-514). New York: Springer.
- Fernandez, E., & Scott, S. (2009). Anger treatment in chemically-dependent inpatients: Evaluation of phase effects and gender. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 37, 431-447.
- Fernandez, E. & Kerns, R.D. (2008). Anxiety, depression, and anger: The core of negative affect in medical populations. In G. J Boyle, G. Matthews & D. Saklofske (Eds.). International Handbook of Personality Theory and Testing: Vol. 1: Personality Theories and Models (pp. 659-676). London: Sage Publications.
- Fernandez, E. (2008). The angry personality: A representation on six dimensions of anger expression. In G. J Boyle, G. Matthews & D. Saklofske (Eds.). International Handbook of Personality Theory and Testing: Vol. 2: Personality Measurement and Assessment (pp.402-419). London: Sage Publications.
- Wasan, A., Fernandez, E., Jamison, R.N., & Bhattacharya, N. (2007). Association of anxiety and depression with reported disease severity in patients undergoing evaluation for chronic rhinosinusitis. Annals of Otology, Rhinology, and Laryngology, 116, 491-497.
- Fernandez, E. (2005). The relationship between anger and pain. Current Pain and Headache Reports, 9, 101-105.
- Boyle, G.J., Fernandez, E., & Ortet, G. (2003). El cuestionario de dolor de McGill (McGill Pain Questionnaire–MPQ): consideraciones lingüísticas y estadísticas. Revista de Psicologia de la Universidad de Chile, 12, 111-119.
- Fernandez, E. (2003). Anger regulation in adolescence. In T. Gullotta & M. Bloom (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Primary Prevention and Health Promotion (pp. 195-199). New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
- Fernandez, E. (2003). Anger regulation in childhood. In T. Gullotta & M. Bloom (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Primary Prevention and Health Promotion (pp.190-195). New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
- Boyle, G.J., Goldman, R., Svoboda, J.S., & Fernandez, E. (2002). Male circumcision: Pain, trauma, and psychosexual sequelae. Journal of Health Psychology, 7, 329-343. [Reprinted in G.J. Boyle & D.H. Saklofske (2003) Psychology of Individual Differences. London: Sage Publications]
- Cipher, D.J., Fernandez, E., & Clifford, P.A. (2002). Coping style influences compliance with multidisciplinary pain management. Journal of Health Psychology, 7, 665-673.
- Fernandez, E., & Boyle, G.J. (2002). Affective and evaluative descriptors of pain in the McGill Pain Questionnaire: Reduction and reorganization. The Journal of Pain, 3, 70-77. [Reprinted in G.J. Boyle & D.H. Saklofske (2003) Psychology of Individual Differences. London: Sage Publications]
- Cipher, D.J., Fernandez, E., & Clifford, P.A. (2001). Cost effectiveness and health care utilization in a multidisciplinary pain center: Comparison of three treatment groups. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 8, 237-244.
- Fernandez, E., & Beck, R. (2001). Cognitive-behavioral self-intervention versus self- monitoring of anger: Effects on anger frequency, duration, and intensity. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 29, 345-356.
- Fernandez, E., Clark, T.S., & Rudick-Davis, D. (1999). A framework for conceptualization and assessment of affective disturbance in pain. In A.R. Block, E.F. Kremer, & E. Fernandez (Eds.), Handbook of Pain Syndromes: Biopsychosocial perspectives (pp. 123-147). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
- Beck, R., & Fernandez, E. (1998). Cognitive-behavioral self-regulation of the frequency, duration, and intensity of anger. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 20, 217-229.
- Beck, R., & Fernandez, E. (1998). Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in the treatment of anger: A meta-analysis. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 22, 63-74 [Also abstracted in Evidence-Based Mental Health, 1998, Vol. 1, No. 4, p.105].
- Fernandez, E. (1998). The role of affect in somatoform and factitious disorders. Current Review of Pain, 2, 109-114.
- Skiffington, S., Fernandez, E., & McFarland, K.A. (1998). Towards the validation of multiple features in the assessment of emotions. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 14, 202-210.
- Cipher, D.J., & Fernandez, E. (1997). Expectancy variables predicting the tolerance and avoidance of pain in chronic pain patients. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 35, 437-444.
- Turk, D.C., & Fernandez, E. (1997). Cognitive-behavioral management strategies for pain and suffering. Current Review of Pain, 1, 99-106 [Also abstracted in Current Pain and Headache Reports, Vol. 1, No.2]
- Fernandez, E., & Boyle, G.J. (1996). Meta-analytic procedure and interpretation of treatment outcome and test validity for the practitioner psychologist. In M. Smith & V. Sutherland. International Review of Professional Issues in Selection and Assessment (pp. 109-125). Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons.
- Fernandez, E., & Sheffield, J. (1996). Relative contributions of life events versus daily hassles to the frequency and intensity of headaches. Headache, 36, 595-602.
- Fernandez, E., & Sheffield, J. (1996). Descriptive features and causal attributions of headache in an Australian community sample. Headache, 36, 246-250.
- Fernandez, E., & Towery, S. (1996). A parsimonious set of verbal descriptors of pain sensation derived from the McGill Pain Questionnaire. Pain, 66, 31-37.
- Towery, S., & Fernandez, E. (1996). Reclassification and rescaling of McGill Pain Questionnaire verbal descriptors of pain sensation: A replication. The Clinical Journal of Pain, 12, 270-276.
- Fernandez, E., & McDowell, J.J. (1995). Response-reinforcement relationships in chronic pain syndrome: Applicability of Herrnstein’s hyperbola. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 33, 855-863.
- Fernandez, E., & Sheffield, J. (1995). Psychosocial stressors predicting headache occurrence: The major role of minor hassles. Invited paper. Headache Quarterly: Current Treatment and Research, 6, 215-220.
- Fernandez, E., & Turk, D.C. (1995). The scope and significance of anger in the experience of chronic pain, Pain, 61, 165-175.
- Turk, D.C., & Fernandez, E. (1995). Personality assessment and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory in chronic pain. The Pain Forum, 4, 104-107.
- Fernandez, E., & Milburn, T.E. (1994). Sensory and affective predictors of overall pain, and emotions associated with affective pain, The Clinical Journal of Pain, 10, 3-9. [Also published as abstract in Multidisciplinary Pain Abstracts, 1994, 4, issue 4, p.325].
- Fernandez, E., & Turk, D.C. (1994). Demand characteristics underlying differential ratings of sensory versus affective components of pain, Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 17, 375-390.
- Fernandez, E., & Turk, D.C. (1993). Anger in chronic pain patients: A neglected target of attention. American Pain Society Bulletin, 3 (4), 5-7.
- Fernandez, E., Semple, C., Lakshminarasimhan, V., & McDowell, J.J. (1992). A “C” program to fit Herrnstein’s hyperbola using Wilkinson’s method. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 24, 581.
- Fernandez, E., & Turk, D. C. (1992). Sensory and affective components of pain: Separation and synthesis. Psychological Bulletin, 112, 205-217. [Reprinted in G.J. Boyle & D.H. Saklofske (2003) Psychology of Individual Differences. London: Sage Publications]
- Fernandez, E., Nygren, T. E., & Thorn, B. E. (1991). An open-transformed scale for correcting ceiling effects and enhancing retest reliability: The example of pain. Perception and Psychophysics, 49, 572-578.
- Turk, D. C. & Fernandez, E. (1991). Pain and cancer: A cognitive-behavioral perspective. In M. Watson (Ed.),Cancer patient care: Psychosocial treatment methods (pp. 15-44). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Fernandez, E. (1990). Artifact in pain ratings, its implications for test-retest reliability, and correction by a new scaling procedure. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 12, 1-15.
- Turk, D. C. & Fernandez, E. (1990). On the putative uniqueness of cancer pain: Do psychological principles apply? Behaviour Research and Therapy, 28, 1-13. [Also published as abstract in Psychiatry/Neurology Digest, 1992, and reprinted in S. Rachman (Ed.) (1997) Best of behaviour research and therapy (pp.157-169). New York: Pergamon/Elsevier Science Inc.].
- Fernandez, E., & Turk, D. C. (1989). The utility of cognitive coping strategies for altering pain perception: A meta-analysis. Pain, 38, 123-135. [Also published as abstract in Behavioral Medicine Abstracts]
- Fernandez, E. (1986). A classification system of cognitive coping strategies for pain. Pain, 26, 141-151.
- Day, A & Fernandez, E. (2015). Preventing Violence in Australia: Policy, Practice, and Solutions. Leichhardt, NSW, Australia: The Federation Press. [Reviewed in Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 2015, 291-292.]
- Fernandez, E. (Ed.) (2013). Treatments for Anger in Specific Populations: Theory, Application, and Outcome. New York: Oxford University Press. [Reviewed in PsycCritiques, 2014, 59(19) doi:; The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 2014;75(11):e1331 doi:10.4088/JCP.14bk09223.]
- Fernandez, E. (2002). Anxiety, Depression, and Anger in Pain: Research Findings and Clinical Options. Dallas, TX: Advanced Psychological Resources, Inc. [Reviewed in American Pain Society Bulletin, 2003, July/August p.15; Journal of Health Psychology, 2003, 8 (4), 477-478; Clinical Journal of Pain, 2005, 21, 458-459]
- Block, A.R., Kremer, E.F., & Fernandez, E. (Eds.), (1999). Handbook of Pain Syndromes: Biopsychosocial Perspectives. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.